Carnival Fantasy Class Ships, Still Great FUNSHIPS!

It seems like every year cruise lines build bigger and bigger ships. Some hold as many at 6000 people. That’s a small city! When I was in the Navy aboard the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69), we were a small city of 5000 when all the squadrons were onboard, we knew there was 5000 from all the lines for everything. Sometimes you would find sailors standing in a line because it was there. However, the new larger cruise ships are set up that the large amount of people is not noticeable, well not for the most part. The popular venues and activities can be very crowded, but if you want to find a quite place, its not too hard. The pools can be crowded also, especially if you are looking for a deck chair, but its just the nature of the beast.
Even though they Fantasy class ships of Carnival are smaller, normally about 2500 guest can feel crowded at the popular activities, but I find the crowds are less intimidating, more interment. Everyone seems to pull together and keep the party going. We like to play the trivia games. On the Fantasy Class ships, the area that these events are held, are smaller. The entertainment staff working the event are much more approachable. Not because they are standoffish, but there are less people viding for their time. They can have a conversation(s) with the attendees because of the fewer people. These cruises are shorter in duration, 3 – 5 days for the most part, and many of the ports of departure is a short drive away. For instance, from Raleigh you can drive to Charleston or Jacksonville and board Fantasy class ship for a 4 or 5-day cruise to the Bahamas. Cruises from Norfolk happen once or twice per year. The ship from Norfolk fills up fast and the prices can be a bit pricey for a 5-day cruise.
The Fantasy class ship’s crew also understand that because of the size of the ship, they don’t have all the amenities that are standard on the new larger mega ships. Because of that, the ship staff tend to work harder and go the extra mile to serve their guest. Also, they get to know your name easier and remember your preferences. You would think that many of these crew members would be newer hires, but what I have found, they are seasoned crew members, who just love their job. It’s always fun to get to know them and hear their story of where they came from and about their families. Many of them will pull out photos of their families and tell you all about them. You can’t help but get attached to them. Several of them we have seen over the years on other ships and it’s always nice to remind them where our paths have crossed and find out where they have been since. You can’t help but to make a new friend.

Fantasy class ships have pools and bars just like the megaships, but not the price. If you do some shopping, depending on the time of year, you can really find some great deals. Also, the Fantasy class ships are great for groups. Because of their size, finding others in your group is much easier, just hanging out is more fun. Fantasy class ships are every bit worth the price. Fantasy class ships are great ships for 1st time cruises. The larger megaships can be very intimidating. Its easy to get lost or turned around. The smaller more interment Fantasy class are easy to navigate. You can be on the Lido deck enjoying a wonderful buffet lunch and make it to the main theater for an event in just a few minutes and a few steps.
I really enjoy the Fantasy class ships from Carnival. Many of them have the upgraded Carnival WaterWorks, the new 2.0 upgrades (Red Frog, Blue Iguana, & Guy’s Burgers). The things that you many not find on the Fantasy ships are the Specialty Restaurants. Now, some of the Specialty Restaurants food options appear on the nightly dining menus for an small additional price. The pools tend to be smaller, the elevators slower, & the shops not as many. But for the conveyance, Fantasy class ships are perfect for that quick weekend getaway, a short vacation, or a great option for a family reunion, sales meeting, or a small wedding celebration. It’s up to you… on Fantasy class ships, its not so much the destinations, though they have some great ports, its about a great vacation to relax and enjoy a FunShip experience. Over the top customer service from a great ships staff & a short relaxing escape form the hustle and bustle of the daily grind. Fantasy class ships are, well Carnival, The World’s Leading Cruise Line.